
Date from-toLocationCompany & reference person (name & contact details)PositionDescription
Could you please detail each description below explaining all your tasks and adding as much as possible the following keywords
• On-line database development
• Information management system development
• System analysis, design programming and implementation
•Workshops organisation
•Education sector
2018 – 2024TanzaniaThe Open University of Tanzania. (University Vice Channcellor, Prof. Elifas Tozzo Bisanda)Deputy Vice Chancellor Resourse Management (DVC-PFA)Manegerial Activities as a DVC- PFA,
Univerity Systems Development Support,
Online Teaching,
Consultancies and Students Supervison
2023TanzaniaSupport The Institute of Accountancy Arusha (IAA) to build Examination Data Bank.
Contact: Prof E. Manamba, IAA Tanzania.
Lead Consultant & ICT, Security ExpertOverview and Monitoring of the whole Databank Development and Testing processes.
Analysis of the System and Securing Examination Data Bank
Algorithms verification
System Administarion training requrements
2023TanzaniaConsultancy Services For DBTCC
Establishment of a VET School Management System.
Contact: Cassian Bilikwija (Program Coordinator)
Lead ConsultantAnalysis of the System and Design of LMS
Conduct test of Cybercrime, & Cyber security to the System
To Lecturer and train users of the proposed system.
Verifications of code used in building the System.
2023TanzaniaProvision Of Consulting Services for Conducting Comprehensive Review of HESLB.
Contact: Anthony Chamungwana
Beneficiary: The Executive Director,
Higher Education Students Loans Board (HESLB),
ICT, Security ExpertAnalysis of the Syatem – Research
Conduct test of Cybercrime, & Cyber security to the System
To Lecturer and train users of the proposed system.
Veryfication of code used in building the System.
2021-2022TanzaniaSupport The Tanzania Institute of Education (TIE) To Conduct A Mapping of the existing ICT and Digital Learning Programmes In Tanzania.
Contact: Ayoub Kafyulilo, UNICEF Tanzania.
National ConsultantIdentify the key technology integration and digital learning initiatives that are being implemented by different partners in the country.
Map all partners that are working on the implementation of technology integration in education in Tanzania. This will include an analysis of who are they, where are they, what are they doing and what are the impacts of their investment?
Update the challenges of investing in digital learning and technology integration in education in Tanzania
Assess technology integration options for rural and urban schools with a consideration of the challenges identified.
Develop a strategic note on the cost of investment in technology in education Tanzania and how best can the country reap the benefits of investment in technology in education
2021TanzaniaConsultancy Services for Don Bosco Oyster bay Vocational Training Centre
Contact: Cassian Christian, Ag. Country Director
Lead ConsultantFacilitate assessment of existing practices (mode of delivery, infrastructure, rational of study program and student feedback) to three Don-Bosco Vocational Training centers.
Provide recommendations for existing practices.
Define approaches necessary to bridge the performance and learning gaps during theassessment including used curriculum to the specific Institute.
Propose ways to link the graduates from Don-Bosco Training centers to the world of work.
Propose Information and Communication Technologies which will aid to bridgeperformance and learning gaps at Don Bosco Vocational Training Centers.
Evaluate source of financial support to the College.
Assessment and Evaluation of the findings
Report on the conducted research and assessment
2021TanzaniaE- Learning Content Development on Self- Study In Service Teachers Training Modules (MVTTC-NACTE) Project: Skills for Employment Tanzania (SET).
Contact: Dr Geofrey Oleke, Director of Monitoring Evaluations and Compliance (NACTVET)
Lead ConsultantTo support the guidance of the module developers and assist SET and NACTE experts:
To develop the quality multimedia and interactive e-learning materials such as teaching videos, text, audio, graphics, and animations.
To implement a web-based training activity or exercises to help students understand the content of the training.
To capacitate the IT personnel at NACTE on developing best E-learning materials
2021TanzaniaConsultancy Services for Don Bosco Oyster Bay Vocational Training Centre
Contact: Rosemary Terry, Country Director
Principal TrainerResearching and development of materials Contents and methods,
developing training programs,
updating or modifying existing courses,
scheduling classes and
organizing enrolment.
2021TanzaniaManagement Information System for the Ministry of Agriculture Training Institutes (MATI-MIS)
Fund Lutheran World Relief (LWR) collaboration with Ministry of Agriculture
Contact: Dr. Wilhelm L. Mafuru
Lead ConsultantDeveloping A web based online system that will enable students to apply for admission online.
Analysis and implementation of comprehensive suite of tools for institute management made up of both academic and operation functions.
Training to all users of this new system and provide support for smooth transition.
2021TanzaniaTanzania Police Défense Force (TPDF)
Training of 145 Detectives.
Contact: Commissioner for Trainings, Commissioner Sabas
Principal TrainnerResearching and development of materials Contents and methods,
developing training programs,
updating or modifying existing courses,
scheduling classes and
organizing enrolment.
2020 to dateTanzaniaSpecial Course on Cyber security and Forensics (OUT).
Training of 150, Students of Different Calibre from (Government, NGOs, Banks).
Contact: Prof. George S. Oreku.
Principal TrainnerResearching and development of materials Contents and methods,
developing training programs,
updating or modifying existing courses,
scheduling classes and
organizing enrolment.
Teaching in a Virtual Classroom – Live Online Teaching using Zoom (6 hours of online workshop which included designing a live online synchronous session using Zoom)
2020TanzaniaDevelopment of University Investment Policy. In favour of Open University of Tanzania. (OUT)
Contact: University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Elifas Tozzo Bisanda
Document Developer, Reviewer and implementorConfirm requirements for a new policy/procedure or amendments to existing policy/procedure.
Gather background information on the issue to determine whether a policy or procedure is required (Example: there been a change in legislation or government policy, a new strategic direction for the University, or gaps identified in existing University policy)
Review existing legislative or regulatory requirements.
Check existing policy and procedures which may cover the issue and could be amended to address the change.
Establish key principles which apply to the policy issue.
Identifying human rights that may be affected by the decision.
Consider issues of implementation actions for the proposed policy/procedures
2021TanzaniaTesting and Piloting Learning Management System (LMS) Developed for In-Service Training to Folk Development Colleges FDCs Teachers.
In favour of Morogoro Vocational Teacher, Training College (MVTTC).
Rector (MVTTC).
Contact: Thomas Aikaruwa.
Project Co Ordinator & ICT ExpertTo assist Project Manager and the team with the coordination of resources, equipment, meetings, and information.
To organize projects with the goal of getting them completed on time and within budget.
Development guidance for Curriculum Contents development, Implemention of NACTE Standards
2021TanzaniaInvestiment Policy. In favour of Open University of Tanzania. (OUT)
Contact: University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Elifas Tozzo Bisanda
Reviwer and implementorAmendments to existing policy/procedure
Gather background information on the issue to determine whether a policy or procedure is required (Example: there been a change in legislation or government policy, a new strategic direction for the University, or gaps identified in existing University policy)
Review existing legislative or regulatory requirements.
Check existing policy and procedures which may cover the issue and could be amended to address the change.
Establish key principles which apply to the policy issue.
Identifying human rights that may be affected by the decision.
Consider issues of implementation actions for the proposed policy/procedures

2020TanzaniaEvaluation of the University ICT Policy of (2014). In favour of Open University of Tanzania. (OUT)
Contact: University Vice Channcellor, Prof. Elifas Tozzo Bisanda
Document Developer, Reviewer and implementorTo determine if the policy is still necessary and accurate.
To find out if the policy should be combined with another policy or if it should be rescinded;
Validating if the policy is up to date with current laws and regulations and Regent’s policies.
To verify changes are required to improve the effectiveness or clarity of the policy.
2020-PresentTanzaniaThe Project involves development and integration of E-learning content for Self-Study in Service Teacher Training, In favour of Morogoro Vocational Teacher, Training College (MVTTC).
Rector (MVTTC).
Contact: Thomas Aikaruwa
Project Co ordinator & ICT ExpertTo assist Project Manager and the team with the coordination of resources, equipment, meetings, and information.
To organize projects with the goal of getting them completed on time and within budget.
Development guidance for Curriculum Contents development, Implementation of NACTE Standards

TanzaniaConsultancy on Assessment of Examination Handling Procedures, ICT Manpower, and Security of ICT Infrastructure at Mwalimu Nyerere Memorial Academy. November 2019.
Contact: Rector, Prof. Mwakalila.
Project Co ordinator & ICT ExpertTo organize Consultancy activities with the goal of getting them completed on time and within budget.
Scalability, Interoperability and Portability Analysis.
Setting up security standards
To Managing Risks and Issues
To Monitor and Reporting Progress
To Control Quality
2018-2020TanzaniaPS3 Project on “ODEL orientation and training for councilors and local government authorities’ newly recruited staff, In favour of USAID, Tanzania.
Project Co Coordinator,
Contact: Dr. Peter Kilima
Project Co ordinator& ICT ExpertTo assist project manager teams with the coordination of resources, equipment, meetings, and information.

To organize projects with the goal of getting them completed on time and within budget.
April 2018 – April 2020TanzaniaProject on The Training of The Electronic File Management System (EFMS), In favor of Muhimbili University of Health Applied Sciences (MUHAS)
Contact: Prof. David Urassa (PFA)
Project Coordinator& ICT ExpertTo assist project manager teams with the coordination of resources, equipment, meetings, and information.

To organize projects with the goal of getting them completed on time and within budget.
Scalability, Interoperability and Portability Analysis
To Managing Risks and Issues
To Monitor and Reporting Progress
Strategic Influencing
Business Partnering
To Control Quality
December 2019 to Jan 2020TanzaniaConsultancy on Curriculum Development for DTech in Informatics NTA LEVEL 10, In favour of The Institute of Accountancy Arusha.
Contact: Rector IAA, Prof. E. Sedoyeka
ICT Consultant and Curriculum Development ExpertDevelop a Philosophy statement that serves to guide development of a curriculum.
Describe a theoretical framework as it relates to development of a curriculum.
Develop a list of core courses specific to an assigned Dtech program.
Prepare curriculum specific assessment tools.
Critically evaluate curriculum plans of colleagues in a constructive manner.
Present and Justify development of curriculum materials to the respective faculty.
Articulate the barriers that are present in the development of a curriculum and assessment plan
April to August ,2017TanzaniaGovernment Project, Ministry of Industry Trade and Investment, TANTRADE Director general,
Contact: Mr. Edwin N. Rutageruka
Value: 50M TSH.
ICT Consultant and System Security ExpertTo Design and Develop Management Information System for Dar Es Salaam International Trade Fair.
Consultancy for supervision of Implementation of provision of Services to Design and Develop Management Information System for Dar Es Salaam International Trade Fair
December 2016TanzaniaData Vision, Project manager,
Contact: Mrs. Cindi Kasambala
Consultant“Secure the Future Babati Cluster Project”
Consultant, World Vision Fund – To design Data base, conduct workshops and inception meetings, Implementation of Management System for Monitoring in Agricultural Products.
August 2017TanzaniaTusiime Holding Co. /
Contact: Mr. Katagira.
Lead Consultant“Market analysis for an ICT Training Centre of Excellence Project”
Consultancy on Market Test for ICT Centres of Excellence Trainings Project, Engagement from Tusiime Holdings (T). LTD
Conduct Survey, Organsie workshop, Report preparation and presentations.
April 2018TanzaniaTanzania, SWISSPORT,
Contact: Mr. Daniel Simkanga.
Lead ConsultantConsultancy on Calibration of Equipment from three airports in Tanzania (JNIA, MBY and KIA. Engagement from SWISSPORT
Conducting negotiation meetings, calibrations, Budgeting and field measurements taking.
September, 2017TanzaniaTanzania Traditional Energy Development Organisation (TaTEDO) / Programme Coordinator,
Contact: Mrs. Albina Chuwa
Lead ConsultantUndertaking Energy Audit from Mini- Grid Electricity Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Use for Two sites. Engagement from TaTEDO 2017.
Conducting syatem analysis, Monitoring and evaluations of the plants readings, workshop organisations, educating the beneficiaries.
June 2017- ContinuingTanzaniaGovernment project, Ministry of Industrial Trade and Investment.
Contact: TIRDO Council Chairman Prof. Idris Mshoro
ICT ExpertGovernment Project on “Feasibility study for establishment of medical cotton disposable products factory” at Simiyu region, 2017.
System analysis, design programming and Implementation, workshops organisations. Securing appropriate automated system for industrial use and testing.
June 2017- ContinuingMoshi- Kilimanajro TanzaniaGovernment project, Ministry of Industrial Trade and Investiment.
Contact: TIRDO Council Chairman Prof. Idris Mshoro
ICT ExpertGovernment Project on “The Provision of Consultancy Services for Revamping and Construction of Leather Industry” at Karanga Moshi- Kilimanjaro Region. 2017.
• System analysis,
• Leather system designing syayemy programming and Implementation.
• Workshop organisation,
Conducting Feasibility Studies
2017.TanzaniaTanzanian Commission for Science and Technology (COSTECH),
Contact: Dr. Hamisi Kalegele, Director of Information Management
ChairmanFormulation of Policy Documents, ICT Projects Evaluation, Preparations of ICT strategic Documents.
2016 – 2018Tanzania-FinlandUniversity of Eastern Finland (UEF), Project Coordinator of IMPDET-LE programme,
Contact: Dr. Jarrko Suhonen
PhD SupervisorConducting Research and Supervising PhD Students
2015 – 2018KenyaAfrican Institute of Policy (API)
Contact: Prof. Peter Kagwanja
Chief Executive -Africa Policy Institute
Senior Associate FellowResearch And Advisory Services On The Initiative, Research And Advisory Expertise On Economic Affairs Relating to Africa, Participate In Conferences by and on Behalf of The Institute, Any other Such duties as The Institute Shall Determine.
2014- PresentTanzaniaNational Accreditation Council for Technical Education (NACTE)
Contact: Dr. A.B. Rutayuga, Ag. Executive Secretary for NACTE
ChairmanCurriculum Validations and Reviews, Institute Academic Quality Assurance M&E, Monitoring and Evaluation of Institutions Infrastructure and Curriculum implementations.
July 2012- August 2012TanzaniaSmall and Medium Enterprise Competitive Facility (SCF) – Tanzania.
Contact: Mr. Michael Bulemo, Project Coordinator of SCF Tanzania
ConsultantConsultancy for East African Countries Research on Best Management Information System (MIS) for Agro – Processors Project – (Tanzania, Kenya, Uganda and Burundi)
• Identifying and benchmarking between common MIS and related best practices available and utilized in the region.
• Ranking common MIS to best practices in the EAC region and their level of sophistication
• to assess how effectively the large companies and SMEs of EAC region utilize MIS technologies and to prepare a report on the findings, including links to technology resources of potential interest to SCF and its beneficiaries.
• Organise and coordinate one workshop of best practice in MIS for food Processors in East Africa
• Develop best practice replication proposal for Tanzanian Food SMEs
2010 – 2013South AfricaNorth West University (Vaal Campus)
Contact: Rector, Prof. Philip. Pretorius
Post Doctoral ResearcherUndertaking Research in Information Technology and its application to Education.
Developing some database solutions for eCommerce
Curriculum Development
Conducting Workshops and Conferences.
Report and papers publications.
June 2010- May 2012TanzaniaRoyal Danish Embassy (RDE)
Contact: Mr. Michael Bulemo, Project Coordinator of SCF Tanzania
Principal Investigator (PI)Research Project “Small and Medium Enterprises Competitive Facility”
• Conduct workshops with stakeholders,
• Online database development.
• Design and Implement Point of Sale (POS) for SMEs
• Budgeting, Monitoring and Evaluation of System dissemination to SME,
Report preparations and Presentations.
2010- PresentTanzania, Namibia, Kenya,MalaysiaDar Es Salaam Institute of Technology, Nelson Mandela African Institute of Science and Technology, University of Namibia and Universiti Tunku Abdul Rahman.
Contact: Rector and the VCs of the mentioned Institution
External Examiner Review of PhD Thesis and Chairing Viva vorce defences, MSc Projects evaluations, Examinations Moderation, Examination Re- marking.
2010 – PresentTanzania and oversees.International Journal of ICT Research and Development in Africa (IJICTRDA, Iraqi Journal of Computers & Informatics, Journal of Computer and System Sciences– ISSN: 0022-0000 (Elsevier), Journal of Information Technology for Development – Tanzania Omaha Nebraska-USA (Taylor & Francis) 2015/16.
Contact: Editor in Chief for the mentioned Journals
Editorial Board member, Reviewer, Organizers, and Panellist of many Conferences as Programme Chair, Keynote Speaker and Organizer.Editor to more than three Journals, Reviewers, Chairman, Organizer and Presenter to many, Conferences, Workshops and Symposium.
2009 – 2017TanzaniaTanzania Industrial Research Development organisation (TIRDO).
Contact: Chairman of TIRDO Council). Prof. Indrisa Mshoro
Director of ICT and Technology Development.Conducting Industrial research and Consultancies, Advising the Government on Industrial Research and uses of local available raw materials for Industrialization Development.
Janury,2003 August 2004Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania/ USAThe Muhimbili University of Health and Allied Sciences (MUHAS) &Dartmouth College.
Contact: Prof. Kisali Palangyo, Former MUCHS Vice Chancellor.
Database ManagerDatabase Development for Research Project Disseminated Tuberculosis in HIV Infection Muhimbili University College of Health Sciences Dar es Salaam Tanzania/ Dartmouth Medical School Hanover New Hampshire, USA
• On-line Database development,
• Supervision of Data Entry clerks,
• Updating data to the Systems
Liaison with Donors at Dartmouth College in USA.