George S. OREKU is an experienced information systems security research Professor, consultant, and trainer.Oreku’s research interests include Information Security, Sensor Networks Security, related security issues in cybercrime and Forensics , cyber warfare and its integrations to R&D, critical Infrastructure, Cyber security, application to mobile computing and Mobile Banking, High performance e-commerce security, and development of culturally sensitive educational models, Curriculum Developer (EDUCATION), (South Africa, Ireland, Uganda, China, Finland and Tanzania).

Oreku has published over 100 scientific publications well acknowledged research articles, authored and co-authored more than 10 books and Conference proceedings in security, Wireless Sensor Networks Security and ecommerce Security and ICT. Tittle of the books are: An upcoming new Book by IGI Global, “Impact of Disruptive Technologies on the Socio-Economic Development of Emerging Countries, to be published in March 2023. Artificial Intelligence to Solve Pervasive Internet of Things Issues, Published, Science Direct, Elsevier 2021 , New Trends in Information and Communications Technology Applications, 5th International Conference, NTICT 2023, Baghdad, Iraq November 2022, Proceedings, Springer International Publishing,4th International Conference, NTICT 2021, Baghdad, Iraq 2020, Proceedings, Springer International Publishing, New Trends in Information and Communications Technology Applications , Third International Conference, NTICT 2018, Baghdad, Proceeding of 2nd International Conference on Digital Transformation in 2021, Towards Digital Transformation in Education and Research , Dar Es Salaam Tanzania. Monograph, Reflection of Tax Administration Enhancement Through Digital Technology to Micro Businesses, Generis Publishing, , Iraq 2018, Proceedings, Mobile Technologies and Socio-Economic Development in Emerging Nations, IGI Global publisher 2018, Springer International, Information Fusion for Cyber Security Analytics – Springer 2017, Security in Wireless Sensor Networks – Springer 2016, Digital democracy Concept methodologies Tools and Applications – IGI -publishing 2012, End – User Computing Development and Software Engineering, New Challenges, IGI – publishing 2012, E-Government in Emerging Economies, Adoption, E participation and Legal Frameworks – IGI – publishing 2012, Enhancing E- Commerce Security, Methods and Approaches to Defense – Lambert Academic Publishing 2011,The Impact of Higher Interests rate to the Growth of SMEs the case study Tanzanian Banks- Lambert Academic Publishing 2010.

He has delivered more than 80 invited keynote speeches around the world locally and at International Conferences. He has undertaken several contracted scientific research projects, and consultancy services in the computer science industry, ICT issues and STI policy matters since 2010 to date. Oreku has been on many STI review/evaluation panels and advisory boards for both National and International Institutions and Organizations. He has been an External Examiner/Referee for numerous universities, i.e. examinations moderator and academic staff referee/evaluator (e.g. candidates for Professorship positions) since 2009 to date. He has trained in several occasions since 2015 to date at the Tanzania Police Force (TPF) where by more than 100 Investigators were trained on Cyber Forensics and Investigations skills at the level of RCOs , on methods and how to conduct successfully Investigation. He has been a presenter in the Annual ICT Professionals Conference in Tanzania under ICT Commission on Cyber Security for National Security in two consecutively years 2018/2020.

Oreku has supervised a significant number of PhD and Masters Students from different Universities in and outside the Country. Currently Oreku is an affiliated Professor with University of Eastern Finland,, Research professor with North West University Vaal Campus South Africa, and was a Director of ICT and Technology Transfer at TIRDO under the Ministry of Industry Trade and Investment Tanzania for the years 2009-2017. He also serves as a member group of data Vision Company in Tanzania, one of the ICT service provider company. He also serves as Senior Associate Fellow for African Institute of Policy Kenya (API), , an African think tank that is providing policy-relevant research and analysis for Africa’s solutions in Security.

He has been a Chairman in many Curriculum Validation team for The National Council for Technical Education (NACTE) Tanzania. He is also a board member of Information and Communication Technologies Commission (ICTC). Currently apart from all above engagements he is appointed as Deputy Vice Chancellor Resource Management to the Open University of Tanzania (OUT) Over the past decade, Oreku has co-organized over a number of expert group meetings and International Computer Security Sciences and Forensics, STI and science Policy Conferences. He is a professional member of International bodies including, Association for Computing Machinery (ACM), IEEE, IEEE Technical Committee and Information Systems Security Association (ISSA), SANORD, ERB and WASET.


Jan 2010 to Dec 2013 North West University -Vaal, Johannesburg, SA

Post Doc in Economic Sciences and Information Technology

The undertake focuses on the interplay between digital economics, ICTs and sustainable development, specifically on economic viable, new deployments of innovative ICT technologies to reduce environmental impact, which invokes the need for a thorough understanding of the technology, societal impact, application potential of innovative ICT technologies and institutional environment in which technology applications are developed and adopted.

Sept 2004 to Dec 2008 Harbin Institute of Technology, CHINA

PhD in Computer Software and Theory

The security in e-commerce methods presented will provide basic understanding of e-commerce security principles and how they might be applied to the design and implementation of an internet-based commerce channel.

Sept 1999 – Sept 2001 Odessa National Polytechnic Institute, UKRAINE

MSc in Computer Programming

Ccomputer & Automated Systems Software

This coursee is an advanced techniques and ideas that are been developed in application domains (such as machine learning, verification and computer security) and it is rich and diverse in theories that underpin them.

1996 – 1999 – Odessa National Polytechnic Institute,UKRAINE BSc in Computer Science

Main subjects areas of study within Computer Science included artificial intelligence, computer systems and networks, security, database systems, human computer interaction, vision and graphics, numerical analysis, programming languages, software engineering, bioinformatics and theory of computing. Management






Mother tongue



Very Good












